Sunday, November 03, 2019

One step forward, two steps back

Often these past two weeks with the boot my foot will feel normal and I'll go 20 or 30 minutes without the boot and meanwhile something happens to my foot that it hurts all over again!

Yesterday, my bride and I went down to Día de Los Muertos downtown at La Villita to see the altares, alebriges, and Katrina/Carolina and the esqueletos. I wore my boot the whole time, was very careful, and today I feel like I ran a marathon! There is a dull pain! Like it is healing, but just taking its sweet time!

I know I am not patient! In college when I broke my ankle, I played tennis with my cast on and managed to break my cast and so then I had to wear the cast for an extra six weeks. I hope that is not the case with this tarso metatarsal dislocation.

Image result for Large metatarsal dislocation boot
Mine doesn't have the blue air bubble or the white dot up towards the top.
Now that I'm wearing the boot, I notice all the people that are also wearing a boot. They are everywhere! My wife, Doctor Gayle, says the boots are used for everything from Diabetes to relieve the pressure to broken ankles! Figures!

Remember how I said I break everything? Well I managed to wear through the sole to where it is falling off so then every-time I take a step it's not a dull thud but a loud whack. So new boot ordered and will take some time to arrive. Meanwhile, I have a piece of mountain bike tire covering the part that is exposed! Ha!

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