Sunday, October 13, 2019

Six Months Without Injury was Wishful Thinking

The glow after a good ride!
This is how satisfied I was this Saturday after a seventeen miler in which my foot gave me a bit of grief every time I started or stopped and in traffic that was pretty often. As the day progressed it was more and more evident that I was not in Kansas anymore and I hadn't survived six months without injury.

In early May, last year I fought to maintain fitness with Plantar Fasciitis. Those of you who know about PF you know what a pain it is to do anything with it! During that time, I suffered something that now I presume was a Lisfranc Injury while putting my pants on in the morning of all things. When it happened I immediately knew that I needed to take time off! Dr. Gayle, my wife, insisted I stay off the bike. She was right, after six weeks I was back to riding at first cautiously, but then full bore! Until this past Wednesday, again Dr. Gayle suggested I must have pushed off of the stool I was sitting on while we were writing our schedules in Spanish, ten sentence paragraphs. Me counting sentences, never! We were just doing our list-making in a fancy way.  So then this was 8th period,
What an honor to be chosen to represent at the 7th Grade B Game!
Nevermind that earlier before lunch I could barely walk down the hall to the rest-room! After the game I still ended up directing two choirs at my church! Long day!

So that night and the next day, no discoloration! Good sign because I'm trying to avoid an MRI because they cost an arm and a leg. Last time I did a couple was with my broken elbows. The cost of the MRI hurt more than the breaks themselves!

This morning I was a little puffy. But then I'm always puffy. Gabriel the comedian says fluffy, I say puffy! But it hurt, so today I went to church with my stick! According to some friends in the congregation, it didn't affect my singing! BTW if you want to hear the old man sing, come to the Falcon Choir Concert this Tuesday Night. Je vais chanter en Français de La Mer!

So here I am at the end of the season, will need to take at least six weeks off of the bike and from walking for exercise. Hoping for a boot without surgery and then we'll go on from there. Stats this year are: 1,626 miles, the Caloi TT Rig has 3,641 total miles on it, the KHS tandem has 182 total miles on it, the Litespeed Classic Crit Bike has 6,265 total miles on it, and the Gary Fisher Marlin Mountain Bike has 568 total miles on it. Gotta enjoy the ride! Live to ride again tomorrow!

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