Saturday, September 21, 2019

Bike Activist: Never Saw Myself As One, but maybe changes are in the works!

A drone samples some nectar from the corner house when I took the little dog out!
How long will drones like this one be able to do this?!
So today I went to a Die-In, a protest where all the bike riders lie down next to their bikes and mimic being dead to protest the cyclist lives lost this year in San Antonio. We joined a group of environmentalists or ecological group that were having a gathering at Main Plaza to protest our pulling out of the Paris Accord among other things like, The Permian Highway Pipeline. Protests like this one were planned all over the world to coincide with the world climate conference. As much as I thought I would be going as a bystander or concerned citizen that also rides a bike, the Die-In was emotional for me. I have been hit by cars! I have been ignored, and I am blessed and fortunate to still be riding! Imagine a group of 200 to 300 people lying on the ground all dead right in front of San Fernando Cathedral! No pic, remember I was dead!

It was nice to hear the Mayor speak, Mayor Nirenberg, he was trying to motivate the crowd to support protected bike lanes and would like for us to vote on PAC now! There were voices of opposition in the crowd, but mostly he said good things and the crowd was appreciative. Some folks are a little sore because the protected bike lane that was supposed to grace the lower part of Broadway was denied basically for seven parking spaces! :-) Here's a shot of the mayor!
Mayor Nirenberg Speaking to the Crowd this Morning
Obligatory Ride Note: 17.7 miles of fun with some of the same folks I rode with at the Cyclists Lives Matter Parade a couple of weeks ago!
Obligatory Weight Note: I broke the thirty-pound lost mark. So far only one person has noticed. I thank them! 
Obligatory Weight Loss Diet Note: I tried intermittent fasting for two years. It worked for 15 to 17 pounds, but no more and the weight never stayed off for good! What diet am I doing now? Good question, rabbit food, fish food, no breads a lot of the time. I still have pizza once a month or so. I still have white rice and borracho beans and rice and tortillas every once in a while. Mostly salads and tuna fish!

One last note, no I didn't ride 100 miles today, (Shout-Out to the wheelmen and women!), but supporting those young people in their protest opened my eyes a bit! Have a great week!
Image result for San Antonio Wheelmen Hundred logo
The San Antonio Wheelmen 100 was run today! I hope everyone had a good time!
@Samantha Flores, the Artist; @MayorNirenmberg #EnvironmentalParade #EcologicalParade #ClimateAction #When #Now

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