Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Que Pasó

Well, my nose we're not going to bother fixing. It will just be a little bumpy! My teeth, one of them a root canal because I killed it. The other a simple cap maybe eventual crown. My fingers are in a brace for three weeks with compression wrapping of each finger and taking nsaids with daily execise to regain full range of motion. Don't know when I'll be back on the bike?! Not being on the bike is killing me. I'll be 400 miles in the hole at the end of three weeks. Maybe Dr. Gayle will give me special dispensation.

It would seem that the various drugs did enough to change how I react to the heat and humidity. Oh well!


Bobster said...

Well, my nose is going to stay broken, one of my teeth died so I had to have a root canal, but right now I have two decent looking temporary caps that in two weeks will be changed out to two permanent custom made caps, and yesterday I made a fist for the very first time. It still takes me about 15 minutes for my fingers to get limber enough during exercises to do anything. I still have two weeks in the hand brace. I want to get on the bike sooner than that.

Bobster said...

Thursday I did a test ride. Fifteen miles, no biggie, nothing strenuous, just trying things out to see where I stood. Turns out on sprints I have little strength to pull on the handlebars whether I'm in the drops or on the hoods. Uphill I did better in the drops. I thought I would have trouble braking, but no. I had my fingers buddy taped to my pinkie so when I applied the brakes three fingers besides my index were moving together for strength. When changing gears on the front derailleur I tried with just the index, but that didn't work. Not enough strength in just one digit. Once I went with the whole hand I was fine. I tried this out because I was able to form a fist two days ago. I'm still dying to get back on the bike for good, but I will take it easy until I can do it safely. I don't know how pro riders go through the end of the tour with broken calvicles and stuff?!

Bobster said...

I actually exercised yesterday. I walked the riverwalk, way beautiful, 7 miles in 2 hours. I was cookin' with gas, but I got a blister under a toenail soon to be a black toenail :-(

Bobster said...

Test Ride 2 & 3 were successfull! Ride number two, no problems! An hour plus and go juice left at the end with no problems except for mechanical flat tire and blowout. At the beginning of the test ride 3 I realized that if I had had one more mechanical I would have had to patch it, and that would have sucked! The rest of test 3 was cool, the only challenge no drugs and I could feel the vibration from the road other than that no problem:-) I hope the doc lets me go!!!